b kinder workplaces

b kinder workplace – inspired by kindness, empowered by employees.

b kinder workplace is an annual initiative that is led by your employees. This initiative helps workplaces to strengthen workplace culture by building positive pathways through kindness, empathy, compassion and belonging.

Key Goals of the b kinder workplace initiative:

  • Leadership through kindness: Employees are encouraged to role model kindness, which inspires others to follow. This helps ignite a journey towards empathy, compassion, resilience, and confidence.
  • Empowerment and ownership: By fostering a sense of ownership over their actions, employees create a blueprint for a kinder tomorrow, positively influencing the entire workplace and their community.
  • Collaboration and connection: Employees ae empowered to take meaningful action and through workplace values, strengthen relationships among staff, their families and the community. The initiative promotes qualities such as empathetic listening, problem solving, teamwork and a deep appreciation for diversity.
When b kinder talks about the impact of kindness, it's not just about soft gestures; it's about shifting attitudes, systems, and the way we value each other. It’s about creating a culture where kindness is a foundation for education, policy, leadership, and community.

Becoming a b kinder workplace requires participation in the following 5 kindness initiatives:

  1. Participate in our annual b kinder day on 22nd June (or a date that suits you). This can be an event within your workplace or expanded to include the employee’s family and the local community.
  2. Establish a designated "kindness space" within your workplace. This can also incorporate a kindness commitment statement and kindness ambassadors.
  3. Recognise kindness among your employees. This could include an employee/business kindness award weekly or monthly.
  4. Participate in one annual online kindness/compassion workshop. This could include all employees. Up to 15 for small workplaces, 50 for medium workplaces and up to 100 for large workplaces.
  5. Support and enable an Australian Primary school to become a b kinder school. Our resources are an opportunity for children to practice kindness and empathy. (one school for small workplaces, two schools for medium workplaces and up to three schools for large workplaces).  
Please note, we would like all workplaces to become b kinder workplaces. We understand that some workplaces are small and may not be able to afford the donation at this time. If you would like your workplace to be considered for sponsorship, please email us at: info@bkinderfoundation.org

Cost of becoming a b kinder workplace:

  1. Annual donation for a small workplace: $1595 which includes the following:
    • Annual rental of the aluminium b kinder workplace sign
    • Up to 15 employees can participate in one of our online empowering workshops (1.5 hours)
    • Cover the costs of the annual subscription for one Australian school to become a b kinder school ($595)
    • Your company name and/or logo on our website
    • Use of b kinder workplace logo
    • Your company highlighted on our social media channels
    • PR Opportunity: Press release that can be used to distribute to your local media and on social media channels
  2. Annual donation for a medium workplace: $2595 which includes the following:
    • Annual rental of the aluminium b kinder workplace sign
    • Up to 50 employees can participate in one of our online empowering workshops (1.5 hours)
    • Cover the costs of the annual subscription for two Australian schools to become b kinder schools ($595 each)
    • Your company name and/or logo on our website
    • Use of b kinder workplace logo
    • Your company highlighted on our social media channels
    • PR Opportunity: Press release that can be used to distribute to your local media and on social media channels
  3. Annual donation for a large workplace: $3895 which includes the following:
    • Annual rental of the aluminium b kinder workplace sign
    • Up to 100 employees can participate in one of our online empowering workshops (1.5 hours)
    • Cover the costs of the annual subscription for three Australian schools to become b kinder schools ($595 each)
    • Your company name and/or logo on our website
    • Use of b kinder workplace logo
    • Your company highlighted on our social media channels
    • PR Opportunity: Press release that can be used to distribute to your local media and on social media channels

Application and order form

Small workplace (up to 15 employees) $1595.00
Medium workplace (up to 50 employees) $2595.00
Large workplace (up to 100 employees) $3895.00

Additional resources

Please enter the quantities you would like to purchase below.

b kinder day resources

wellbeing program resources

There is an assortment of b kinder shirts available. If you would like to purchase some, please see the our range of children/adult products at https://flyhighbillie.myshopify.com/.

Please provide the contact person for invoice and payment.

Please note:

The b kinder workplace registration and payment is an annual fee. If your workplace does not renew your annual donation, we would ask that you please return the sign to our head office:

b kinder foundation
83 Birchgrove Road
Birchgrove NSW 2041

I agree to the above terms and to purchasing the b kinder workpace pack and additional items as above.