b kinder foundation
empowering children to be kinder and more resilient
our foundations of kindness
Effectively improving the mental health and wellbeing of children through evidence-based kindness programs and resources.

our story
Billie was an extraordinary girl in that she had the gift of giving. She gave through her smile, her thoughtfulness, her acts of kindness and her amazing gift of words. The b kinder foundation is Billie's legacy.

b kinder day
The world could certainly use a little more kindness, so the purpose of b kinder day is to discuss kindness, empower and inspire. b kinder day is about connecting people, being inclusive and being kind.

school programs
Through prevention and early intervention our evidence-based well-being programs help children in their pivotal years by encouraging them to become kinder, more empathetic and more compassionate.

walk for a kinder world
This is our annual fundraiser. Come and join us in spreading kindness. Register as an individual or as a team and encourage your family, friends and colleagues to get involved.
get involved with our kindness revolution
To fulfil their potential children must be supported to develop their emotional, social and physical capabilities. The b kinder foundation achieves these outcomes through a curriculum of kindness, empathy, leadership and self-management skills.

the need for kindness
Mental health issues have increased significantly in the last decade with suicide now being the single largest killer of Australian youth.

our kindness solutions
We believe in a future where we can empower all children to make a difference through human kindness.

spread kindness
The b kinder greeting cards showcase Billie’s beautiful paintings, drawings and quotes. These cards are connecting people and are spreading kindness messages all around the world.

shop kindness gifts
Take a look at our range of beautiful t-shirts, bracelets, socks, tote bags, books and gifts inspired by Billie.