fitness information

fitness information

make your walk for a kinder world safe and fun

Walking is a low impact way to get fit but before you commence any exercise, please ensure that you get advice from a doctor and /or fitness instructor. It is imperative that any walk you undertake is done safely.

Due to Covid 19 it is essential that you follow the current federal, state and local government guidelines when exercising in public places. Currently the 1.5m social distancing rules are still in place but you will need to also consider how many people are allowed together at any one time. It may also be required that you wear a face-covering (mask). It would be advisable to carry hand sanitisers with you and don’t forget to take your own water bottle to stay hydrated.

If you are walking in public spaces, please ensure you are fit and well and if you do happen to cough or sneeze, remember to use your elbow and cover your mouth.

Have fun
The walk for a kinder world is about connecting people one kindness step at a time while fundraising to empower and inspire our children to be kind.

We would love for everyone to think of others and spread kindness as well as have fun while they walk.

Even if you have a short walk planned, it is important to always stretch and warm up to avoid injury. If you are walking long distances, ensure you have drinks to stay hydrated and snacks to keep your energy levels up.

Make a difference
Everybody has the power to make a difference through kindness. Fundraising for a kindness walk is a wonderful way to make a difference. The walk for a kinder world will help spread kindness through our wonderful b kinder resources. Just make sure you have a walk planned that you know is achievable. Don’t lose sight of the goal. Your walk is helping to promote empathy, kindness, and compassion to reduce mental health issues, bullying and suicide in children.

Training may be required before you commence your walk. Plan you walk early and commence your fitness regime carefully.

Ensure you footwear is appropriate for the walk you have planned. Correct Footwear is important and can help you and the impact your walk will have on your body.